727·330·3500    ·    Denise Mensa-Cohen, Enrolled Agent    ·    Office Located in Clearwater, Florida
It's Thursday 5:34 PM
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Many people use a tax professional to prepare their taxes. Tax professionals with an IRS Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) can prepare a return for a fee. If you choose a tax pro, you should know who can represent you before the IRS.

Unlimited representation rights allow a credentialed tax practitioner to represent you before the IRS on any tax matter. This is true no matter who prepared your return. Credentialed tax professionals who have unlimited representation rights include:

TaxGenuity, Inc. – Tax Experts & IRS Problem Solvers is entirely staffed by Enrolled Agents.  Additionally, our Enrolled Agents are Fellows of the National Tax Practice Institute, which means that we have achieved the highest designation of expertise in the representation of taxpayers before the IRS.

You have a legal right to be represented before the IRS. Please call our office at (727) 330-3500 if feel that you need our assistance with your tax issues.


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